
The Biohacking Secrets Show

Biohacker and bestselling author Anthony DiClementi deconstructs the most effective, uncommon biohacking strategies to rapidly upgrade physical and mental performance. He sits down with world class experts from a wide variety of disciplines to tease out the latest research, products, routines, habits, and resources for hacking the human body and optimizing quality of life. Each episode reveals incredible new methods for improving body composition, energy production, cognitive function, athletic performance, and health span. Discover evidence-based, minimalist methods to enhance the quality of your life and achieve your physical, mental, and genetic potential. Learn more at
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The Biohacking Secrets Show










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Now displaying: August, 2016
Aug 31, 2016

In today's episode, I sit down with Chris Masterjohn. Chris has a PhD in nutritional sciences with the concentration in biochemical and molecular nutrition, from the University of Connecticut. He writes a blog called “The Daily Lipid” and as a frequent contributor on the Weston A. Price foundation's blog. Chris is one of the foremost experts on the topic of Cholesterol and it's relationships to heart disease.

In this episode, we discuss the history of the cholesterol / heart disease connection; misconceptions about diet versus lipid hypothesis, some of the dietary pitfalls experienced by vegans and vegetarians, and how you can overcome them by eating the right types of quality meats. We discuss Methylation and its role in a production of neuro transmitters, cellular detoxification, and what food to help facilitate pro methylation path ways. We talk about food hacks for dental health optimization, Chris's daily diets, and Chris’s favorite hacks for keeping organ meats which are not necessarily known for their ability as a part of your weekly nutrition program. We also discuss Chris's favorite supplements, the first 90 minutes of his day, and much, much more. So without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Chris Masterjohn.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 29, 2016

In today’s episode I sit down with Shawna Kaminski. Shawna is a top 3 finisher in the national Canadian bodybuilding championships. She’s a two-time overall winner of the 'Toughest Calgarian Alive”, a one day, eight-event contest involving bench press, pull ups, shot putt, 100m sprint, 100m swim, obstacle course, 5 km run and a rope climb. She’s also a world class athlete in swimming in freestyle scheme.

Shawna is 53 years old, she has less than 20% body fat and she can do over 50 pull ups in less than 5 minutes. Shawna is the founder of and she has cracked the code to helping women defy aging and achieving the lean defined attractive look without the bulky muscle that most women want to avoid.

In today’s episode we talk about what Shawna’s eating on a daily basis to maximize lean muscle while burning fat, her favorite workouts, what she is doing to increase neuroplasticity, her favorite new training techniques that have reinvigorate her regimen, her top 3 tips for managing stress that she does every week to help her feel more cool, calm and collected. How she hacks her sleep and much, much, more. So without further ado please sit back, relax and enjoy my conversations with Shawna Kaminski.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 26, 2016

In today's episode, I sit down with Drew Canole. Drew's an internationally recognized expert in juicing but not the type of juicing that professional body builders have a tendency to gravitate towards. Rather the type of juicing that is done with fresh organic vegetables and fruits. Drew's a rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition, and mindset. He's the founder of where he has built a community of over 3 million followers and he is the owner and founder of Organifi.

A green super food supplement, that is the perfect way to get your nutrition insurance well on the road. In today's episode, Drew and I discuss how juice fasting in the way most people do it for detoxes. Results and losing a little bit of weight then gaining it all back the next week. How you should do it instead if you want to lose your weight and keep it off for good.

We also go deep in some of Drew's favorite biohacks for increasing his energy and focus. Keeping his 6-pack abs that he's grown so famous for. It includes cryotherapy, an instrument that he's learned to increase cross hemisphere communication between the left and right side of his brain, his favorite workouts and the questions and process he uses with his one-on-one clients to help them tap into long lasting change to transform their bodies and their lives. So without further ado, I invite you to sit down, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Drew Canole.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 24, 2016

In today's show, I sit down with Craig Ballantyne. Craig is a productivity and success transformation coach from Toronto Ontario, Canada. He is the author of the "Perfect Day formula” How to own the day and control your life. He's been contributing to Men’s Health magazine since 2000. In 2001, Craig created the popular home workout program "Turbulence Training".

On his journey to success, Craig had to overcome crippling anxiety attacks, and he beat them with his five pillars of transformation. Today, Craig shows men and women how to use the five pillars to lose 10 to 75 pounds, get a raise, make more money, find the love of their life, and overcome any obstacle in the way of success. You can read his daily essays on success, productivity, and fitness at

Craig is one the best in the world at biohacking productivity and stacking daily habits that help you optimize your physical, mental performance, and just get more done. So, if you've ever struggled with implementing new habits or done something for a few weeks then find yourself dropping off. The strategies that we discuss in today's interview could be exactly what you need to make some of these more part of your life long success.

We discuss the highest leverage daily habits for optimizing performance, things that everyone should be doing, whether you're a man or women, young or old, if you want to look, feel and perform your best and how to troubleshoot some of the common road blocks that keep us stock or derail us from the success that comes with having an optimal daily routine. So without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Craig Ballantyne.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 22, 2016

In today's show, I sit down with Anthony Balduzzi. If you haven't guessed the prized name, He's a world class biohacker and founder of the Fit Father Project, an online health and fitness community that helps men over 40 loss weight and regain vibrant health. So they can be stronger fathers, better husbands, and leave a greater legacy upon the world.

He's an inspiring leader, author, in demand speaker, and coach. Anthony's helping innovative people and organisations around the world, trim fat, exponentially skill their growth trajectories. Anthony is a national champion bodybuilder, an Ivy league graduate who holds dual-degrees in neuro science and nutrition. And will also be receiving his degree as naturopathic phyisician in June 2016.

For information on Anthony, you can visit his websites, and to learn more. In today's show, Anthony discusses the recent tragedy led to him breaking everything on the right side of his body, including his right arm and right leg. And how he now sees this as a blessing, because of all the incredible biohacks and healing tools that it exposed him too.

We talk about everything from cold lasers to ultrasound to post-electromagnetic field machines, hypnosis, visualization, meditation, and much, much more. So without  further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Anthony Balduzzi.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 19, 2016

In today's episode, I sit down with Ben Greenfield from Ben is the author of "Beyond Training", and one of the thought leaders of luminaries in the biohacking space. Ben and I talked about all things recovery that are not just a recover quickly from an acute injury like a torn peck muscle.

Ben and I also talked about how to recover faster from your workouts, "why is this important?" well, for one thing it takes us longer to recover from our workouts as we get older, but the more quickly and effectively you can recover, the harder you can train, the more frequently you can train, the longer you can train so that it's easier to change your body. So you get more hours of productivity out of your work days.

That means when you get home from work, you have more energy to spend with your wife, kids, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, so you’re just able to elevate yourself to a higher quality of life. We discuss topical anti-inflammatory. Electro-steam versus TENS units, peptides like TB 500 and BPC 157. The difference between ice without compression versus ice with compression, heart rate variability testing, infrared saunas, cold lasers and much, much, more. So without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Ben Greenfield.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 17, 2016

In today's episode, I sit down Brian MacKenzie. Brian MacKenzie is a world renowned strength conditioning coach. He's the innovator of, and he was featured in Tim Ferriss's book "The 4-hour Body". He studied altitude and hypoxic training for over 10 years. Ran over 30 ultra marathons, including the Western States 100 and was a finisher at the Angeles Crest 100 mile Endurance Run.

He's the author of the book "Power, Speed, Endurance", which teaches movement patterns, emphasizing, running, cycling, and swimming so that you can improve your biomechanics, get more out of your workouts in less time, improve endurance, cardiovascular strength, and aerobic capacity. McKenzie's program teaches over 70 seminars per year worldwide. He provides free program at

In today's episode, we cover why the vast majority of people are using improper running biomechanics? and is the reason that they experience back, and knee pain? How to identify if you are one of those people and what you should you be doing instead. Understanding the links between human movement and longevity. How Brian programs his weekly training, His favorite workouts, movement patterns. We go into the unique breath work he now incorporates in to all of his workouts for increased performance. Hyperoxygenation, and power output, and his most effective strategies for getting motivated and staying motivated so that you can keep your results long-term. So without further ado, please welcome Brian MacKenzie to the show.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 15, 2016

In today’s episode I sit down with the ice man! No I am not talking about Val Kilmer character in Top Gun, although that is one of my favorite movies. I’m taking about Wim Hof, a Dutch dare devil nicknamed so due to his ability to withstand the extreme cold. Wim has earned over 20 Guinness World records and has baffled scientists with his ability to control the autonomic system including his heart rate, breathing, blood circulation & even his immune system. He’s author of “Becoming the Ice Man” and founder of the Wim Hof Method: a technique that involves breath work, cold thermogenesis and body control in order to increase energy production endurance and performance.

In today’s episode Wim explains the merits of his breath work and cold exposure methodology. How it’s been used by world class athletes like former UFC heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem, the greatest big wave surfer of all time Laird Hamilton and many more. He talks about his unique methods of alkalizing the body and keeping your pH levels in check. He shares the story about the time he lost his vision trying set world record in freezing cold water, what he’s learned from working with world class athletes and MMA fighters like Alistair Overeem, the first 90 minutes of his day, how his method has transformed the lives of people from all over the world who have struggled in the past with anxiety and depression. What Wim eats to optimize his performance and much, much more. So with a further ado sit back, relax and enjoy my conversation with the great Wim Hof.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 12, 2016

In today's show, I sit down with Abel James. Abel James is the number one best selling author in the award winning talk show host behind the "Fat burning man Podcast". Which is always in the health and fitness iTunes top 100. He is keynote speaker, a professional musician and fat-loss coach. Once a former strategic adviser to the consumer Health and Beverage industry, Abel is a consumer advocate who exposes the truth behind deceptive marketing practices, misleading corporate property propaganda, and powerful special interest that have accelerated the world-wide obesity epidemic and health crisis.

Abel harnesses techniques he developed for the fat burning man system to achieve extremely compelling results in fat-loss and health for his clients and community. In today's show, we discuss how chronic stress can siphon our energy and lead to disaster's health consequences. We also cover some of the ways to over come chronic stress, even if that chronic stress is coming from your job. We discuss Abel's favourite butter, whether he meditates, some of his favourite workouts and exercises, the first 90 minutes of his day, his top 5 supplements, the coolest thing he purchased recently for under $100 and much more.

So without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy today's episode with my friend Abel James.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 10, 2016

In today’s episode I sit down with Dr. Tom O’ Bryan. Dr. Tom O'Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop-leader specializing in the impact of celiac disease (CD), non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and the development of autoimmune conditions. You can find more about Dr. Tom O’ Bryan at the

In today’s episode we’re going to deep dive into truth about gluten, how to identify if these GI disorders which are primarily food based maybe affecting you and your loved ones, how to optimize your energy and how to avoid the pitfalls that have most people feeling tired, overweight and frustrated by these conditions. So without further ado I look forward to sharing with you my conversation with Dr. Tom O’ Bryan.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 8, 2016

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Anthony DiClementi and welcome to our another episode of our bio hacking expert interview series, where it is my job to discover and deconstruct the most effective strategies to rapidly upgrade our physical and mental performance. I sit down with world class experts, whether they are doctors, scientists, trainers, athletes, engineers, entertainers, biohackers or otherwise. I give you the latest research, the products, the routines, the habits, the best resources etc that you can use. (At least that’s the objective) Our mission is to empower each other with uncommon evidence based strategies for living happier, looking healthier and feeling better.

This episode was a massive success because the guest, Mark Sisson blew away my expectations. I already expected him to be incredible which of course he was. Mark Sisson is one of the leading voices of the exploding Evolutionary Health Movement, The author of seven bestselling books of which I own and have read at least four. He has written since 2006 at, which he has grown into one of the highest ranking health and fitness resources on the internet with over three million unique visitors each month. Mark is the only 62 year old man I know with a 6 pack of abs. He is also a former world class endurance athlete with a two hour and eighteen minutes marathon which I believe equates to around a five minutes and sixteen seconds average mile pace over those 26.2 miles and if that wasn’t enough, he  has a fourth place finish in the Hawaii Ironman World triathlon Championships. His writing challenges industry dogma and encourages us to rethink many of our assumed truths pertaining to health and fitness. His books include The Primal Blueprints, The 21 day transformation, The Primal Connection and his most recent release which I just read and really enjoyed, Primal Endurance. He has done all sorts of amazing things.

In this interview we get into a lot of details Mark’s never disclosed or shared before. We cover a ton and we had a blast. His favorite workouts, his morning routine, dietary habits, what he does to keep his brain young, how he uses cold thermogenesis. We really had a great time and I hope that you also have a great time listening to it. During the interview we did experience some slight connectivity issues, but there was so much good stuff in the interview we still had to share it with you guys so if you are willing to tolerate the occasional missing words and some suboptimal audio quality I still think you would really enjoy today’s interview and have a lot of valuable takeaways. So without further ado, please enjoy my conversation with none other than Mark Sisson.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance

Aug 1, 2016

In today's episode I'm going to be sitting down with Dr. Alan Christianson, founder of and Dr. Christianson is the "New York times Best selling author: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Thyroid Disease", "Healing Hashimoto's", and "The Adrenal Reset Diet". He is frequently featured as a guest expert on television shows such as "The Doctors" “The Today Show", and media outlets like "The Huffington Post".

Dr. Christianson specializes in natural endocrinology and is been at the forefront of helping patients suffering from adrenal and thyroid disfunction for decades. He is also the founding President of the Endocrine Association of Naturophatic Physicians, and you can learn more about Dr. Christianson at or

Today's episode we’re going to be talking about "how to maximize strength, focus, and mental clarity? by optimizing neuro adrenal and thyroid function. We cover a host of topics including; The key differences between Thyroid disease, Adrenal dysfunction, and how to tell the differences between the two. A secret to the hidden reset button on your adrenals", "Why no carbs is a no, no?” especially for those engaging in demanding workouts. The truth about caffeine and how it affects different types of people, and why you may or may not need to say goodbye to your morning cup of coffee.

We go into Alans favourite meditation app, what he eats for breakfast, A home task to distinguish and determine if you may have adrenal issues, the best lab test, and much, much, more. So without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Dr. Alan Christianson.

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping)

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance